Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One comparative essay.

The novels Hatchet and Forbidden City can be compared easily because they both describe stories of teenagers facing conflict and struggle. The similarities and differences between both books are the shown in the conflicts between the main characters and themselves, their families,nature and society. by examining these problems in each novel one can see that they both deal with the overal topic of teenagers coming of age and creating their own identity through challenges and difficulties.
In the novels Hatchet and Forbidden City , the similarities and differences are within the conflicts of society and nature because they both survive in different circumstances. Alex is facing a political situation in Beijing in addition to other cultural differences he states "I wonder if my body will ever adjust to Beijing... (Forbidden Citypg 33}. Alex is feeling overwhelmed by the culture shock he is experiencing. Alex has to face cultural differences such as, the language, and the food. Similarily, Brian is also experiencing culture shock, however facing natural disaster and isolation. Shortly after the crash Brian panics "He felt his heartbeat increase as the fear started (Hatchet pg22). Both boys are facing the conflicts of being in unknown territories.
Secondly, the differences between the novels is the conflict between the main characters and their family. First of all Brian parents are divorced and he struggles a lot with that after he found out that his parents got divorced but he said "I feel lonely when those thing are happening". {Hatchet p. 54}Where as Alex he got homesick but he feels better with his dad by his side he said " I knew that no matter whose fault it was we had to face together"{Forbidden City p. 1o9}. But they are angry about the separation of their parents and Alex has learned to deal with the situation better that Brian.
Finally, the similarities and differences between the two main characters struggle for identity are the challenges they face. first of all Alex survives in a society that haves political problems like for example the students are protesting against the government. Whereas Brian he got lost in a wilderness he doesnt know and has to survived. So he knows how is feel like to be in the wilderness "send an S.o.S" (Hatchet pg 107).

In conclusion, the two novels show that there a lot of struggles between the main characters Alex and Brian however they changed at the end. Both of them matured and learned learned to survive in difficult places. Both characters became better people and appreciated more about their families and their lives.


Monday, January 14, 2008

How Using a Blog is Helpful to Students

I think technology is important to students because it's very helpful so you can get your work done faster than writing . Also, you can communicate with your teachers and friends online to get information very quickly. Then if your having a bad day you can use a blog to write your diary in a safe place so people don't see what your writing on your blog. It's also has anti virus so it can't damage your computer. It brings us to the next level in technology!.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My favourite memory from my childhood.

My favourite memory from my childhood was when I went to Miami, Florida in 2001. Also, I went to Jacksonville to visit. We went to Disneyland that was the best of all and we went on lots of rides. But that's not we were always watching t.v. in the mroning in the hotel but my parents said that's nat good for my brain. I always got up at night and snuck food from the fridge to eat. Then I went to play outside in the hot sunny weather. It was 45 degrees outside it was really hot. It was a great trip.

An Interview with MS. Mahoney.

Where did you attend unniversity?

I attended Trent Universityand I studied English literature, history.

Are you married?

Yes I have been married for 2 years.

How many children do you have ?

Just one child named Diego. He is nine months old.

What are your hobbies?

I like running, swimming, painting , dancing, and travelling.

What kind of food do you like?

I like spicy food, Vietnamese food, Mexican food and fresh food.

What do you on weekends?

On weekends I clean the house, play with Diego,visit friends, go to the gym, read books
and spend time with my husband.

What kind of restaurants do you go to?

I go to a Vietnamese restaurant and aMexican restaurant and sometimes for Indian food or sushi!

What kind of music do you like?

I like reggae, latin music such as Alejandro Sanz, Mana, Franco de Vita and celtic music

Who was your idol when you where growing up?

I loked up to Nelson Mandela, Bob Marley, Mother Teresa, my parents also my teachers.

Do you love reading books what kind ?

Yes I am a big reader and I love to read historical, and travel novels such as books by Michael Ondaatje, Isabel Allende and Rohinton Minstry.
Do you like your job?
Yes, I love. I learn a lot from my students and I get to work with the best kids ever. I also get a chance to welcome New Canadians to our school and this city. I am very lucky!

Summary paragraph about a sport team I like.

In the NFL the team I like the most is the New England Patriots. They finished their season 16-0. They didn't lose a single game and they became the first team in NFL history to finish the regular season like that. Also, they are in the playoffs they played the Jacksonville Jaguars and they won. Whoever won the AFC game between the colts and the chargers Patriots will either play one of them. Whoever wins in the confenrence final will go to the SUPER BOWL.

A song that I like

Well, the song I love the most is Chris Brown's song featuring T-pain called "Kiss- Kiss" becasue this song gets me pumped up for football games. Also, it is a love song when you are depressed and you don't feel well it can make you happier. That is why I like it makes me feel happy when I am down.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Opinion paragraph

In, my opinion i think that Notre Dame High School and the city of Ottawa can do fundraising then give that money can go to the children's hospital that can help immigrants families and ESL students programs. Students also health care, free education, free house's and stuff like that. But they can give them money to pay bills, insurance also buy groceries to eat at home. That money they can reserve for future retirment that would be good. Notre Dame Hish School does really good things for ESL students..they need to continue.

About Myself

My name is SebastienI am from Haiti I came to Canada in August 2004. I go to Notre Dame High School. I'm in grade 10 and I play competetive football.Also, I'm in a band at Notre Dame High school.In the summer we always go shopping we buy clothes, shoes and stuff like. Also we play football games with other teams in Ottawa. There a pool besides my house ,at my house we eat a lot of Haitian food which is good.When I have a game I listen to rap music to get me pumped up a lot and I feel ready to play. I love playing basketball with my friends outside. Also I go to youth group on Fridays at Bethany Baptist church. On Saturdays, I clean the house and do my chores at home. I always do cleaning the driveway for my dad. Also, I study at home.Iwash my clothes and the uniform for Monday then I am ready to go. The name of my football team called Bel-air Copeland Lions and I love to be part of this team.